Simplest Joys = Greatest AHAs

Today's AHA moment is another example of the simple joys of life. The kids and I got to pick strawberries out of my aunt's garden. How wonderful! Me, my 3 kids, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin were all rummaging around the garden looking for the best red strawberries we could find. We all had a great time, and we all (except my daughter) loved eating the berries, straight off the plant. Ahhh, the simple joys of summer.

That's it. Picking strawberries = AHA. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Kate,

    Please know how much I appreciate your daily comments about your observations.

    I find this blog to be a wonderful way to slow down and enjoy the world that is right in front of me.

    Keep journeying and thanks for bringing me along with you.

