"In every negative situation there is always something positive or something positive that can come from it, if you look hard enough. Life is in the eyes and mind of the beholder. How you choose to view it, learn from it, and apply it to your life in order to move forward instead of backward is the key! Empower yourself" - from Simply Positive.
This was my Facebook status for a good part of the day, and actually still is because I'm not really sure what to change it to. I've been pondering this sentiment for a good part of the day as well. I've said this before, but my natural instinct when something bad happens or upsets me, is to essentially run and hide or bury my head in the sand. And cry. A lot. I am (finally) beginning to learn that those actions do very little to better the situation at hand. Usually makes things worse, as a matter of fact. (Just in case that wasn't obvious enough, I thought I'd point it out to you.)
With every encounter, conflict, joyous occasion, event, conversation, or any situation in general, we are presented with a chance to learn. Sometimes friendships are made. Sometimes bonds are broken. Sometimes lessons are reiterated. Sometimes we learn something totally new. Each of these opportunities allows us to grow and change and refine ourselves just a tiny bit. Sometimes we don't think we need any help. And sometimes we need all the help we can get. Which is why we should never turn away an opportunity to create a bond with someone, because that person may need it more than we do. And maybe we needed it more than we realized.
Sometimes we have to look very carefully for the silver lining on a cloud hidden in the middle of a thunderstorm. And sometimes we have to watch out for the unexpected bolt of lightning - the unforeseen negative that follows a joyous positive. Whatever the case may be, there's the opportunity to learn. I have been learning a lot this year, more than I ever would have expected. And although 2010 so far will go down in the record books as being a less than stellar year, I am thankful for the things that I've learned about myself. I have found ways to (try to) be more accepting of things that I have no control of, the ability to make myself happier and more positive, and I have become much more appreciative of those around me - all thanks to a string of events which were, let's say... not of my choosing and not extremely pleasant. "We can't change the cards we are dealt, only how we play the hand."
Ok, I just changed my status: "It doesn't matter what others think, say or do. The only thing that matters is what you think, say and do." May we all have the power to think, say and do what matters most.