[Public apology to my husband: Apparently I was mistaken and he did not purchase the kazoo. Neither did I, neither did my in-laws. Which leaves my side of the family as the gracious culprits. Sorry, dear Gary, for the inaccurate accusation.]
Next time you happen to see my husband, please let him know how incredibly grateful I am that he bought a kazoo for our 2-year-old's birthday! I suppose there could be worse things for him to have at age 2, but the kazoo was slowly creeping it's way to the top of my "to be banned" list today.
My kids decided they would have a parade, complete with kazoo, bongo drums and a tambourine thingy. I say "thingy" because it wasn't actually a tambourine. It was the thing with the plastic pins in it that creates impressions when something is pressed against the pins. I think this thing is worse than a tambourine. Or at least louder. Anyway, they followed one another around and around the living room, each playing their own instrument and marching along. It was actually kind of cute, and I realized that I would just ruin their fun by telling them not to hum into the kazoo so loudly, so I let them be. Plus, I was kind of afraid that if I told my youngest to keep it down, he would just yell louder (this is what he does).
My oldest son called it a bazooka, which just made me laugh, and my youngest called it a "tat-ta-phone" (saxophone), which also made me laugh. They paraded around for probably a good hour before I just couldn't handle the noise any more. I suggested we go out for a walk, and they all agreed, then my youngest stuck the dang kazoo in his pocket to bring with us. Luckily, I think he got too distracted by the outside sights and sounds, so he didn't try to serenade our neighborhood.
I suppose the kazoo is a good gift in the sense that all the kids love to play with it, and my youngest is quite sure to point out his ownership of it, lest anyone attempt to disagree. And they did enjoy themselves marching around the house with it. Whether I think it's annoying or not is irrelevant. It's his gift, and he loves it, so that makes it a good thing. Thanks for the great gift, and thanks for the AHA!
Time for a drum set!