My Great Uncle David is the youngest of the 3 Hart brothers. And he's the only Hart brother left. At 84 (I think), he's still sharp as a tack and as active as ever. Last year, I finally decided to call him and get some of the stories that he has saved up in his memory bank. It was one of the best things I have ever done. He told me stories about his oldest brother, Addison, who was shot down over Germany in World War 2. I knew that Addison existed (in fact, I had considered naming my first son Addison), but until David told me these stories, that was about all I knew. He also told me stories about the middle brother, my grandfather, Kenton, and about himself, and again, these were things that I never knew about him. For a solid hour, I sat and listened to David recount things that happened while in basic training, or talk about what life was like in 1936 as he was growing up. I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, let alone things that happened when I was 7. And here was my great uncle telling me in great detail about the boys that lived in their neighborhood, and the radio shows the 3 brothers would listen to after dinner each night, and the family trips that they took.
I found out that Addison was a ham radio operator. Taught himself how to build radios from scratch. When he enlisted in the military, he became a radio gunner in the 8th Airforce. Was shot down over Germany on August 6, 1944. I never knew him, and I miss him terribly. My grandfather went to the headquarters of General MacArthur's in the Philippines. David "learned to cook after he had cooked" and went to Cook and Baker's school in Hawaii (after he had spent many years with his mother in the kitchen).
It was so absolutely amazing to hear the stories my uncle had. It made me appreciate my family that much more. My dad was in the Army, and although he never saw battle, I full
y respect and admire his service time. I could never be in the military. I just couldn't. If my children decide to join the military, I will support them 100% and then some, but I hope and pray that they never have to go to war. May we all remember those who fight for us.
I'm convinced that everyone knows someone who has a connection to the military. Do you know what yours is? Talk to them. Find out what they remember. I'm positive that you'll appreciate them that much more if you do.

I'm convinced that everyone knows someone who has a connection to the military. Do you know what yours is? Talk to them. Find out what they remember. I'm positive that you'll appreciate them that much more if you do.
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