The New Release

It was my birthday recently, and I have to say that this birthday was much better than last year's birthday.  A month or so ago, a friend (who happens to have the same birthday) announced on Facebook that she was preparing for the release of Lisa, Version 4.0.  So I decided to follow her lead and have been prepping myself for the release of Kate, Version 3.8.  There have been some major updates and upgrades, as well as many minor ones, and even a new hardware install, that have taken place in the recent months and weeks.  This release has been in the prep stages since last April, I believe.  And although I may not have realized it back then, I have spent the past year experimenting, discovering, refining and defining who I am.

This process is a never-ending one.  I think even when we don't realize we're doing it, we are somehow refining who we are. I've stated this many times, but I am a much different person than I was just a few years ago.  Some of this difference was brought on abruptly by the divorce, but some of it is continuously taking place on a subconscious level, too.  I think there are some basic guidelines that we can all abide by to make the circle of life we live in a happy one.

Be aware of the needs of those around you.  Everyone has drama.  EVERYONE.  A lot or little, every single person has some sort of drama that they are dealing with in their life.  When we can each learn to open up our eyes a little wider and be able to see the drama of someone else's life, we can better help them, which hopefully will alleviate a bit of the other person's drama as well as make us feel better about ourselves.  I'm not saying we all need to try to solve the problems of everyone we meet, but we should at least be empathetic.  And if we can help, we should.  We all need to be what we can be to others.

Don't get too wrapped up in our own world.  I find myself talking about some of the same things over and over, whether it's in this blog or in a private conversation with a friend.  I dwell.  I focus too much.  I stress myself out.  I am teaching myself to let these things go.  We have to understand that our world is not the main focus of the entire world.  Our world is simply a piece.  And it's ok to focus on our own problems or rejoices in small portions.  But, just like I stated above, we also need to be aware of what's happening in the worlds of those around us, and sometimes adjust our actions accordingly.

Give as much as you take.  Throughout the years, I have been helped immensely by countless friends in numerous ways.  I've always considered myself a fairly giving person, but it has been brought to my attention on more than once occasion that in order to keep the good Circle of Life moving in a positive direction, one must always give back, or pay ahead.  Because of the assistance and love I've received from others, I have no problem spreading that same kind of assistance and love.  I may not be able to completely solve someone's problem, and if you ask to borrow more than $5 from me chances are pretty good I won't have it, but whenever I can help, I do.  I suppose this theory has been emphasized a bit more lately than it was in years past.  Not that I was ever ungrateful, I just didn't always think I could help.  I love listening to people.  I enjoy talking about situations I've been in and learned from.  I like cooking and hosting get togethers.  These are all easy ways in which I can help others.  And I love doing all of them.

Be genuine, and be the best you can.  I have been known to be somewhat of a follower, to try and acclimate myself to certain situations.  If I'm in a conversation with someone who loves football, I will do my best to love football too.  If I'm in a conversation with someone who despises winter, I tend to downplay the wonderful attributes of that season.  I have learned that it's best to be able to form your own opinion of things, and, if you have valid reasons to do so, to stick to that opinion. Regardless of your viewpoint of sports or the weather or just about anything else, always do your best to be your best.  And do it genuinely.  People can often tell the difference and will react to you likewise.

So, what's all the fuss about the release of Kate, Version 3.8?  The above mentioned attributes have been incorporated or improved.  I'm constantly working on improving my patience, mostly with my kids and with myself, but also with other people.  I am repeatedly telling myself that I am worthy of the love I receive, and give.  I go out of my way to exercise more and eat healthier. I'm learning not to stress (too much) about things that I have no control over.  I'm learning to deal with situations one piece at a time, so as not to overwhelm myself, and therefore avoiding unnecessary stress.  I'm working on recognizing my past mistakes and doing my very best not to duplicate them.  I choose my words, actions and friends carefully.  I got my belly button pierced, just because.

Every day I'm working to improve myself.  I hope to never stop.  For years, I had found myself in a pretty big rut in my attitude toward life, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.  I hope to not repeat that.  So this "new version" of me?  It's only going to get better from here.