Remember, Forgive, Stay Strong

*This IS my personal writing.  I welcome anyone who would like to share, but please do so with the proper credit.  Thank you.*

"I believe that a world of difference comes from the small actions that people take every day.  I encourage everyone to do a good deed or make some contribution in honor of the victims and their familes.  It may be too late to change the whole world, but it's not too late to keep America.  Love to all, Kate"

"To The Terrorists:
I have so many emotions inside, so many awful things to say to you.  There are not enough bad words in any language to define you and the act that you did.  You killed many people; too many innocent people.  But you did not kill me.  

Thousands of families were torn apart, and thousands more felt their grief.  You may have killed my brothers and sisters, but you have not won, becuase you did not kill me.

In grief there is strength and learning.  As our country grieves, you will learn that we will not be defeated so easily.  Our grief may be overwhelming, but so is our strength.  If you could see our houses and storefronts, proudly waving our American flags, and hear our words of comfort for those we do not know, you would understand that you have not driven us apart, but you have cemented us together.  Why is this, you might ask?  Because you did not kill me.

People have come out in huge numbers to give blood, donate clothes, and volunteer in countless other ways.  This should show you that you have not killed the American spirit, because you did not kill me.

If war is what you wanted, war is what you may get, but you will not win.  We survived Pearl Harbor, and we will survive this.  Why? Because you did not kill me.

You infiltrated our airport security systems.  You undermined our confidence.  You destroyed lives.  You planned for months, maybe years, researching, watching and waiting.  You thought of every detail, but you forgot one thing.  You forgot to kill me.

And this is why you will not win this, or any other war.  We will not go down easy.  We will not go down without a fight. America as a nation will not be taken over.  You killed my brothers and sisters, but in your quest to take over our country, you forgot to kill me."

I wrote this very shortly after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.  Like so many others, I was angered, disgusted, confused and saddened as to why anyone would do this.  I went to college with a guy who was at work in one of the towers that day, and killed.  I did not run out and join the military.  I didn't start any political movements.  I stayed in my little bubble, and my life generally remained untouched.  

However my perspective changed.  A group of friends and I started a memorial fund for our college classmate.  We raised, I think $1200, and was able to purchase a memorial bench in his name that sits outside of the music building on our college campus, where he spent much of his time.  I am proud of that.  And every time I think of him, and all of the other victims, I want to do more little bits of good to help keep America strong.  

I support our troops 100%.  I could never be in the military.  Never once wanted to be.  But I admire and respect those who do.  However, I don't always think that war is the answer.  Sometimes it's a more difficult road to travel, but sometimes compassion, love and understanding can take us much further than anger, hate and war.  Even when we think the latter is a better choice.  

I'm not as angry anymore.  I'm angry and disgusted that it had to happen, absolutely.  But in order to be at peace with ourselves, we need to be able to forgive those who have hurt us.  One thing I have definitely learned in the past few years is that a positive change can affect many other people and events.  Positivity breeds positivity, and the butterfly effect can be an amazing thing.  Little positive changes from lots of people can lead to some pretty hefty results.  So long as we are still alive to make those changes, we can keep each other strong.

Let's all think about that as we pray for the victims of this terrible event.  Let's remember them with happiness for the lives they had, and the lives they touched.  Pray that those who feel it's necessary to kill others may find peace within themselves.  Pray that no country may again endure what so many have already endured.  Pray that we may all be strong enough to make small positive changes that carry on to many others.  Pray that our children may learn from our compassion and love, and be able to share those traits with others as they grow up.  Pray that we may one day be able to embrace our differences, and peacefully exist as one human race.  Namaste.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I'm forever proud to be your friend. :') :')
