A lot has been happening with me lately. Last week, after almost 10 years of working there, I was let go from my job. Not the worst thing that could happen to me, but surprising all the same, and it did hit me pretty hard. Funny thing is, I wasn't all that horribly upset about it. I'm worried about supporting my family and the everyday expenses that I have, but I wasn't devastated. I was kind of relieved, to be honest. I hadn't been happy for a while, and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe I was finally getting tired of that business, or maybe my other priorities had just inched that much further up my Importance totem pole.
So, now I'm faced with a new opportunity. I'm a big believer that things happen for a reason, and there are other pieces to the puzzle of life that make slightly more sense now, thanks to this new event. The imminent question is: What do I do now? Well, there are things that I would like to do, but probably won't bring in much money, at least not right away. And there's the traditional route of sending out my resume and finding another someone to work for. The first is more appealing, the latter more practical.
There have been people - many people - who have been able to throw traditional ways of working out the window, forge their own path, and been successful at it. I'm not really sure that I'm made to be one of those people. The skeptic in me says "You can barely balance a checkbook, what makes you think you could run your own business" and "You don't have the drive and motivation that's needed to start a business." But the dreamer in me says "Look at how many other people have done it" and "I have lots of people standing behind me and willing to help. I could do it if I really tried." Inevitably, the skeptic usually wins out. This time, however, I'm not completely ignoring the dreamer. I'm putting out my resume and trying to find a decent job, but I'm also building a business plan for myself. I'm going to at least try to make something happen.
From the Holstee Manifesto: "If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit." The fact that I was let go is giving me permission to do something different. Hopefully something that makes me a little happier. I believe in signs from the Universe, and this is as big a sign as any. I had thought about quitting, but couldn't bring myself to do it because I needed the money. Well, now I have to be extremely creative and find another way to get the money. Is this devastating? Not really. Does it put a big ol' bump in the road? Hell, yes. But I've found my way around bumps before, and I will again.
Opportunity is presented to us in many ways, and quite often. Sometimes it is in such a small and unobtrusive way that we miss it. Sometimes, the lights flash, the sirens blare and we couldn't ignore it if we wanted to. That's pretty much how I see this situation. I'm being forced to change something, and the doors of opportunity have swung wide open. Always watch for opportunity, and never pass it up. You'll never have a regret so large, as willingly missing an opportunity. Be it small or huge, an opportunity of some sort is almost always there. Watch for it, grab it, make use of it. I bet you'll be happy you did.
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