Today was just about the only day this week when I didn't have something planned for the kids and I to do. Day 6 of being off work, and I hadn't been feeling well for the past day or two, so my tolerance of the kids' button-pushing was beginning to falter. I knew I had to figure out something fast... or else! (Cue superhero music.) Suddenly, I remembered- I had guest passes to a nearby indoor playground. We had been there a few weeks ago for a birthday party and all the kids loved it. I called a friend who lived in that area, whom I hadn't seen in quite a long time, and she agreed to meet us there with her daughter. Hooray! Super Mom saves the day, and just in the nick of time! (At 9am I was already pulling my hair out from them bickering with one another.)
We made it to the playground with no major incidents and the kids were excited to see their friend, and I was excited to see my friend and talk with another adult. We had lunch there and played for about 3 hours, which was wonderful. The facility has all sorts of things to keep the kids entertained- a pretend grocery store, beauty salon, day care center and cafe, a tire swing, basketball hoops for both big and small kids, a bubble machine, dress-up clothes and a stage, a small ball pit, stuffed animals and baby dolls, a rock-climbing wall, a climbing playground and a slide. We could just sort of let the kids go do their thing while we chatted and caught up with one another. It was beautiful!
Our friend invited us over to their house so the kids could play with her son (who was hanging out with his grandparents earlier). The 5 kids had a ball playing together and all got along very nicely, and my friend, her husband and I had a very nice time sipping wine and talking more. During our course of conversation, my friend asked what I have been doing and if I get out of the house. I wanted to laugh, not in a rude way by any means, and answered, "Of course! I, um.... Hmm...What do I do?" Ironically I feel happier and busier than I have in quite a long time and yet I had a difficult time answering this question. I strum on the guitar now and then, but it's not like I play it all the time. I've been going to hockey games every few weeks, but not really on a regular basis. I do Zumba in my living room when I can, but not every day. These are the extent of any new hobbies I have started. However, I have made myself available to hanging out and getting together with friends a little more, I think. I enrolled in Leadership Oswego County, in which I met new people and made new friends. I've held small parties at my house almost every month. I've been known to stop by a local bar or a friend's house on a whim to have a drink or chat. So I guess I have been getting out and at least doing things, even if I'm not meeting a ton of new people. That's always been sort of a weak link for me. But I'm working on it. For whatever reason, that question of what am I doing has really stuck in my head. But, as I've read before... if you're looking for love (or friends or relationships of any kind) stop looking and get out to do what you enjoy doing, and the relationships will find you. I'm not unhappy with where I am right now and I have no doubt that when the time is right, an appropriate person will enter into my life to change it in a way that only they can. It's happened to me countless times already, and it will again.
What started off as a blank-slate day ended up being a great play date. It was very refreshing to chat with a "long-lost friend" (of sorts) and to have adult conversation while the kids played. And, thanks to my friend, AHA has forced me to trust that my life is taking me where I need to go. I'll help it along as best I can and have no intention to sit back idly and wait, but I'm not allowing myself to think that I will forever miss out on any relationships that are necessary to the enrichment of my life. That is sometimes a difficult AHA to face, but well-worth the effort.
:) Cheers!
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