You may have noticed this posted on my Facebook page. I told my coworkers about it when I arrived this morning, and one took a picture of it on his way home, early afternoon. Two chairs, a table - complete with tablecloth and umbrella - and a bottle of wine, sitting on top of a very large snowbank, at the corner of a restaurant parking lot. We kind of figured it was a prank by some college kids to get a laugh. And a very funny prank, at that. However, later this evening, I saw another photo posted by a different friend. Turns out, apparently, this set up was done on purpose, by the owners of the restaurant across the street from this parking lot! Too funny!! Talk about embracing the moment. The caption for the wall photo on Facebook reads: "When the snow in Oswego piles up what do you do? Push it into a snow bank and salute Mother Nature with a bottle of fine wine, like the Canales!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I laughed out loud when I first saw the table and chairs on top of the snowbank on my way into work this morning, but I laughed even harder when I saw the photo of Nick Canale, owner of Canale's Restaurant, holding a glass of wine, standing with the table and chairs on top of the huge snowbank! What a publicity stunt!

We are suppose to get more snow tonight. Another foot or two, so I hear. My snowblower is still frozen up and not working quite right. I guess we'll see how I fare in the morning. I'm slightly more settled knowing that I have friends who will come to my rescue if and when needed. And now, I'm looking at my snowbanks in the front yard, wondering what props I can put up there to make people take a second look and laugh. I think I have a folding lawn chair somewhere. Or maybe I'll let the kids go up and make a snow castle with their sand buckets. Tomorrow is garbage day- I wonder if the garbage men would exert the effort to get my trash cans down. Hmm... such big snowbanks, so many possibilities! This much snow still kind of stinks, but since we can't make it go away, I suppose we might as well do the best we can to have fun with it!
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