Although I have missed the "official" December 31st deadline to make my New Year's resolutions, I'm going to make some resolutions anyway. I'm typically not very good at keeping the "I resolve to lose weight, exercise more and keep my house clean" type of resolutions. Kudos to those of you who can! I just know that I'm setting myself up for failure, so I tend to take a slightly different approach to resolutions.
Admittedly, my resolutions have been very similar over the past six or so years. But I like them, and they've helped me keep a healthy perspective on things, so I stick with the same basic ideas, adjusting a little as needed. This year's are a slightly different, with my Number One resolution again planted firmly in place.
1. I will not let my fear crush my spirit.
We may not always realize it, but we base plenty of decisions on fear. I know I have. Fear of not being "good enough," fear of letting someone down or hurting them, fear of the unknown, fear of being hurt ourselves. I've spent a good part of my life worrying about what will happen if I make this decision, or what will people think, or am I doing the right thing... generally just being afraid of the unknown. It's quite easy to let our spirit give way to our fears, however that doesn't really get us anywhere in life. Sometimes, we have to power through the fear in order to get to a better place. Breaking through to the other side of fear allows us to be stronger, more confident, happier people.
2. I will be confident.
2. I will be confident.

3. I will make myself strong.
As I noted in my previous post, I've realized that I spent a great amount of energy this past year making myself fairly miserable. Unintentional as that may have been, I could have just as easily turned it around and worked that hard to make myself happy, perhaps happier than I have ever been. I am done being afraid and insecure. Since I do not particularly care for being miserable, I resolve to put my energies into creating the best and happiest life I can, for the sake of myself, my children, and all those around me.
4. I will learn to breathe, and let go.
It is an unfortunate fact of life that I do not like not having answers. I'm not extremely fond of the unknown. If there was a playbook for life that allowed us to see the effects our decisions would have (even in the closest immediate future), I would totally sign up for that. However, again going back to facing my fears and acting with confidence, I must learn to accept those things which I have no control over, which is a great majority of my life right now. I must let go of my doubt, anger and frustration in order to breathe, think and deal with whatever is handed to me. Stress does not need to break us. We may not be able to control the situations we find ourselves in, but we can certainly control our response to them. This is where our power lies.
5. I will accept where life takes me.
Dr. Who is my oldest son's favorite show. Although I haven't really caught that particular bug, and the few episodes I have watched have confused me, I must say that I have found a treasure trove of wonderful quotes from the good Doctor. What we think we want out of life is not always what we need, and sometimes we get so stuck on our perception of what "should be," we tend to miss other really great things that are happening to us or around us. Three facts about me: I don't like not having answers, I am very stubborn, and I don't always like to admit when I am wrong. These things, all mixed together nicely in equal parts, often leads to my severe misconception about what should be happening in my life at that moment. Looking back over my years, there are many places where I wonder "What if that had been different," but I understand that I am where I am for a reason. And if I could go back to find out the answers to those "What ifs" they may not be as spectacular as I think they would. And, if I could find those answers, would I really want to give up everything I have right here right now? None of us can go back in time, we will never really know the answers to all the "What ifs," so why bother worrying about it? Enjoy where you are, and if there is something that you feel needs to change, then work to change it.
Life is not always easy, each of us has to put in a lot of effort and work. That effort can fuel our fear or break it, emphasize our insecurities or our strength, create happiness or misery, make us calm or stressed, and allow us to enjoy where we ended up even if it's not exactly what we expected. May you find the courage and power to make whatever resolutions you have come true this and every year.
Life sure has gone a lot of strange ways for both of us !