
I've never been one to stick with resolutions, therefore I have also never really been one to make them. However, my view of resolutions has changed over the past few years, and I do my best to set reasonable expectatns that I can actually uphold. With this attitude, I do believe making the right kind of resolutions can change one's life. 

I resolve to not let my fear crush my spirit. This one has been a constant for a few years now, and I think it's an important one. I've spent too much of my life trying to please others instead of myself, worrying about what others think, and just generally letting my insecurities and fears run the show. My will is stronger than fear, and every year it becomes a little more so.

I resolve to be happy with what I have. There is an envious streak that runs pretty deep through me. However, I've learned that coveting things others have and ignoring the things I have is just plain ignorance. I have plenty to be thankful for.

I resolve to always look for the blessing. We all have bad days, and some are definitely worse than others. A bad day does not a bad life make. There is always beauty to be found, always a little magic, always a blessing of some kind, if you're willing to look closely enough. 

I resolve to focus on the things money can't buy, instead of the things it can. We are a materialistic society. And we need money and things, to an extent. But all the money in the world, and having possession of all the things you've ever wanted doesn't automatically mean you're a wonderful person. It's the non-materialistic things that makes us worthwhile and valuable.

I resolve to be myself, and be happy with who I am. Figuring out who we are is an ever-changing, ongoing process that should never stop. Situations change, circumstances change, our bodies change, our minds change...if we stop trying to discover new things about ourselves we would really be letting ourselves down. We each need to just be who it is that we are happy to be.

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