
I am not the epitome of a well-balanced businessperson.  Never have been, most likely never will be.  However, I run my own Creative Memories business and a 5 to 7 person household (depending on the weekend), which requires just as much organization, structure and know-how as any large corporation.  But I'm learning.

"Nothing will work unless you do." ~ Maya Angelou

We all know things don't just get done.  Someone has to actually, physically do them.  Laundry can't wash itself, neither do the dishes, the toys don't just pop back into their appropriate spaces, and much to my disappointment, clutter stays clutter until someone does something about it.  Nothing works, unless we work.  I cannot expect my business to grow and make money if I just sit around hoping someone will buy my products.  My kids won't get to dance or soccer practice unless I (or their dad) take them there.  Sometimes the required work is mindless, like folding laundry.  Needs to be done, doesn't take much effort to do it.  And sometimes what's needed is a big step outside of the good ol' comfort zone.

There is a house across the street from me that has been vacant for months.  A few weeks ago, a school bus pulled up in front and 2 kids got out, then went inside the house.  Naturally, I was surprised, then quickly realized that a family had bought it and moved in.  A few days after that, I noticed a woman holding a baby standing on the sidewalk just outside the no longer vacant house.  She was obviously waiting for someone.  I went across the street and introduced myself, something that I don't usually like to do.  We chatted for a bit and I found out that her 3 kids are almost the same age as my 3 kids, and she enjoys scrapbooking.  How about that.  My small step outside my comfort zone garnished me a new friend, a potential new customer and potential new friends for my kids.

I find that although I like to tell myself that I am a shy person, the people I've met in recent years don't believe that.  I find that when I can take that deep breath and make myself a little uncomfortable outside my comfort zone, what I encounter is usually not that frightening or intimidating.  I find that when I make the effort, good things tend to happen because of it.  I am where I am in my life, in large part, because of discomforts I was faced with and the steps out of my box I took in response to them.

Nothing will happen in our lives - nothing good, nothing bad, absolutely nothing at all - unless we take the steps out of our zone and work.  What have we been taught?  If you find something you want in life, go for it. Make it a goal and WORK for it.  Well, even if we don't have a momentous goal in our lives, the working part still accounts for something.  I want the toys in my house picked up.  The kids and I have to work at that.  I want the laundry done.  I have to work at that.  My bathroom needs remodeling.  My boyfriend and I are working hard to get that done.  I want this new relationship to be the best I've had.  Guess what.  That needs to be worked on, too.  Everything good in life takes at least a little bit of effort.  Nothing will work, unless we do.

Each one of us can take steps out of our zone to make our lives just a little better.  Each of us can work to make our relationships stronger.  Doesn't matter if it's a relationship with a partner, children, parents, girlfriends, guy buddies... anyone.  We all have to work.  And that's what makes the end result worthwhile.  When we work to improve something (be it the cleanliness of the kitchen, the state of household projects, a relationship, or anything in between) we can take pride in knowing that we did our part to make that little piece of our life that much better.  And usually, our effort can make someone else's life a little better, too.  Because the work we do not only affects us, but all those around us.  And generally, if people see one person working hard at something, that will inspire others to work hard at something too.  Step outside the comfort zone.  Work a little to make something good happen for yourself or for someone else.  I bet you'll be glad you did.

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