Living the Resolutions

The end of 2010 brought on some pretty stiff resolutions.  Knowing that it would be in my best interest to keep these, I worked hard to live by them. And I think I did pretty well.  I reminded myself of them often, and repeating them helped me stay focused on the important things in my life.

So, how do I top them?  Not really sure that I do, but that's ok.  In fact, I'm going to resurrect one or two in this year's list.  Besides, making resolutions isn't about going above and beyond previous years.  It's about finding something you can live by that will help make, and keep, you a better person than you may have been in years past.

  1. I resolve to not let my fears crush my spirit.  I like this one so much, I'm making it Numero Uno again for the year 2012.  No matter what the situation is, there is no reason that my spirit can't outlive my fear.  
  2. I resolve to choose happiness.  This sounds kind of dumb, but as you may have heard me say before, I believe there is always a choice.  A person will be truly happy only when they allow themselves to be.  
  3. I resolve to share the love.  What goes around, comes around.  And I'd like to add... what goes around, comes around, ten-fold or more.  There is no reason I can't be loving to others, after all the love I've received.  
  4. I resolve to find my way about the obstacles.  Obstacles are put in our way not to prevent us from getting something, but to see how badly we want it.  This is a big one for me, as I am easily distracted and dissuaded.  More effort needs to be spent on getting what I want rather than finding something different to get.
  5. I resolve to continue to focus on the things that enrich my life.  In the whole grand scheme of life, I have very little to complain about.  Very little.  I am fully aware of this, yet, somehow desire or envy still have the ability to creep in and make me lose sight of what's really important.  I am so very grateful for the friends, the family, the relationships I have which have made my life all that much better.  Material things pale in comparison.  
May 2012 bring everyone peace, love, light and prosperity.  May you laugh more than cry.  May your heart burst with love.  May you be showered with kindness.  May you be blessed in every way.  Happy New Year!


The end of the year is always a time for reflection... to look back and say "This was a good year, and this is why" or "This year kind of stunk, so here's how I'm gonna make next year better."  At the end of 2010 I had racked up a whole lot of "Here's how to make next year better" pointers.  I had a slew of quotations, parables, stories and inspirations under my belt and was fully prepared to use every single one to ensure that 2011 was a much better year.  And it worked.  For me, 2011 was miles above 2010 on the Happiness Scale.

I had numerous people at various times throughout the past year and a half tell me how inspirational I had been to them.  There is no better feeling in the world than knowing I helped someone in some small way.  Whether we all believe it or not (I didn't, until last year), every single one of us has the power to be inspirational to someone else.  We may not all be suited to being therapists, counselors or life coaches, but each of us touch a whole lot of other people's lives.  The magnitude of how we touch other lives is up to us.

2011 brought a whole lot of changes for me.  Including stepping WAY outside of my usual comfort zone, which led to one new relationship, which led to new adventures, a new sense of spontaneity, new activities, new music, new happiness, more new friendships and new growth.  That's a big ripple effect.  I also learned how to take initiative, and turned a potentially detrimental situation into an enjoyable and profitable venture.  The skills needed to make these things work have always been in me, I just had to learn how to make better use of them.

I don't think it's ever too late to improve upon oneself.  In fact, I think we as humans need constant improving.  To become too stagnant with oneself is to lose the essential vivaciousness to embrace life.  There needs to be more to life than simply "living day to day."  As humans, we crave excitement and stimulation.  We crave growth.

So, what do I see when I look back on 2011?  I see continued change in and improvement of myself.  I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be, but I hope I never stop learning how to be better.  I see an ever-growing confidence.  Confidence in my abilities as a mom, a friend, a daughter, a significant other, an employee, a businesswoman.  Not an arrogant confidence, but a learning confidence- "I can do this, but I can also learn to do more."  I see magic feathers.  Just like Dumbo, every now and then, I like to take hold of that feather (or in my case, magic rocks) that can make me fly, that can make me invincible.  I take comfort in holding my magic rocks, but I also take comfort in seeing them on my dresser (and yes, I do have more than 1) instead of in my hand.  Seeing them sitting on the dresser means I'm 'flying' on my own.  I see happiness.  Every morning, I wake up.  Every time I open my eyes, I can see.  Every time I sit at the computer, I can move my fingers to type.  I can hug and kiss my kids, sing songs, listen to music, dance, buy my own groceries, smell brewing coffee, and taste chocolate.  All of these are reasons to be happy.  Why should I complain?

When you look back on 2011, I hope you see plenty of reasons to be happy.  If the reasons aren't obvious right away, take a deeper look.  Find reasons.  There are always reasons to be happy.  And there is still time to write your own happy ending.

Inspirations for Living Life

Inspiration is all around us.  I get emails, see things on Facebook, read things from friends, and stumble across many inspirational quotes, stories, and "rules to live by."  Here are some adaptations of what I've learned from all these sources over the past year (and maybe a little before that, too).
  1. No one said life is easy.  Life is a tough game to play, but it's still good, and worth the effort to play it.
  2. Keep those you love close to you.  Stay in touch, however you can.
  3. When you think you can't continue, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and take the next small step.  You'll be surprised at the courage and strength you can find when you need it most.  You are stronger than you think.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Life can throw us some pretty big curveballs.  Lean on those who are closest to you.  You'll both benefit. 
  5. When you need to cry, call on someone.  I'ts more healing to cry with someone than it is to cry alone.
  6. It's ok to let your children see you cry.  They may offer more encouragement and strength than you can imagine.
  7. You have the power to change things in your life.  If you don't like something, figure out a different way and change it.
  8. There is always a choice to be happy or unhappy.  No matter what the situation is, choose happiness.
  9. Be grateful. Don't ever take anyone or anything for granted.  Their purpose may be greater than you initially think.
  10. Be present and enjoy now.  Don't wait for something better to come along. Make the most of what's already in front of you.
  11. Every day has the potential to be a special day.  Make it so.
  12. See life through the eyes of a child.  Not everything has to be as complicated as we adults make it out to be.
  13. Let your children remind you how to truly play.  Enter their world, and allow it to encompass you. 
  14. Be what you can for others... and for yourself.  
  15. Don't let anyone take away who you truly are.  Change only what YOU want to change.
  16. Muster up all the courage you can for 20 solid seconds, and see what incredible thing you can make happen.
  17. Sometimes it's ok to close your eyes and take a leap of faith.
  18. Always strive to be a good example. 
  19. When faced with a decision, flip a coin.  In the moment that the coin is in the air, you'll realize on which side you hope it lands.
  20. Smile, even when you don't feel like it.  Smile long enough and you'll start to be in a better mood.
  21. Believe in magic, and in miracles.  
  22. Look for opportunity in unexpected places.
  23. Go off the beaten trail once in a while.  Take the detour and don't worry about how long it will take to get you there.  Enjoy the ride.
  24. Believe in yourself.  You're not as bad off as you may think.  
  25. Treasure true friendship.
  26. Don't compare your life to someone else's.  Their journey may be more difficult than you know.
  27. Make peace with your past.  Accept what's been done, and don't let it mess up your future.
  28. Don't waste time being envious or hateful.  You are surrounded by everything you need.  Just look for it.
  29. Live on the edge.  Do something completely out of character just once to see how it feels.  Let it feel good.
  30. Don't limit yourself to "the way it's always been."  Do things differently now and then.
  31. Live life with intention.  Find a purpose, and work to fulfill it.  No one is here by mistake.
  32. When you think no one cares about you, call the first 3 people to come to mind.  Ask them to describe you.  Their words will be kind and sincere.  
  33. Never deny yourself the chance to make a new friend.  It could be the best friendship you ever had.
  34. Always be respectful of others.  Even in an argument, be polite.  
  35. Don't worry so much about growing old gracefully... just be sure to grow old happily.
  36. Your attitude speaks volumes about you, and is the first thing people will notice.  Let it shine brightly, no matter what.
  37. Love unconditionally.  Eventually we all make mistakes, but we all still need to be loved.
  38. Be reliable.  It will prove you have good character.
  39. Enjoy the wonder of nature every day.  
  40. Worry only about you.  You can't control others, so don't bother trying.  Do what you're suppose to do, when you're suppose to do it, and you'll always have reason to be proud.
  41. Hold your head high, even when you are feeling down.  Do your best to smile through the tears.  Don't let your fears crush your spirit.
  42. See yourself the way others see you - beautiful through and through.
  43. Follow your instinct.  Just because "everyone else is doing it" doesn't make it right or good for you.
  44. Be passionate about something.  Share that passion with others.
  45. Keep your standards high.  Expect only the best, but allow yourself forgiveness if you fall a little short.
  46. Be silly.  It keeps you smiling, and keeps you young.
  47. Laugh out loud whenever you can.  There is no better therapy than a sincere, gut-wrenching, deep down belly laugh.
  48. Forgive everyone.  Wipe the slate clean and allow yourself to move on.
  49. Pay it forward.  In whatever manner you are able, make something a little easier for someone else.  The love we give will come back to us ten-fold.
  50. Never pass up the opportunity to spend time with friends, family or your children.  There is nothing you'll regret missing more.