My Preemptive Resolution

Hello, blog. It's been quite a while. Don't take this personally, but I have to admit that I used you. My need for you was (temporarily) fulfilled, therefore I fell away from my routine of turning to your comfort every day. As Charlie Chaplin tells us, "Nothing in this wicked world is permanent, not even our troubles." My troubles of the time faded. I became stronger, I grew into a more mature version of myself and I used you to help me grow. For that, I thank you. I wouldn't say that I am necessarily 'troubled' again, but I've been feeling the need to have you by my side. I've missed you, I've missed writing. Writing is a therapeutic creative outlet for me, and there are days when I most definitely need an outlet. So, here I am, ready to use you once again, to continue the process I began of molding myself into a stronger and even more mature, authentic being.

I am a huge believer in the power of gratitude, and I do my best to practice being grateful in many ways. A new habit I'd like to adopt is that of writing a Gratitude Journal. A simple enough concept: before going to bed each night, write down 5 things I am thankful for from that day. I'm not one for making resolutions per se, and I'm about 2 weeks early for the resolution outburst of the new year, but let's give this a try. I wrote every day for a solid year before, and I can do it again.

Starting simply, here's my gratitude list for today:
1. Music, my ability to play and sing, and the growing ability of my children. A huge part of my life has revolved around the people I've met because of music, and I look forward to seeing how it impacts my children, and hearing what beautiful sounds they can create. 
2. My job. Although I will admit that I've been on the lookout for new opportunities, and there are days that I outright can't stand where I work, this past year has been fairly stable, financially. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure helps with food, clothes and shelter. 
3. My hobbies. Jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles and scrapbooking are all great, fairly inexpensive ways to pass the time. Whether it's time spent by myself or shared with my children or boyfriend, creating in these ways makes me happy. Oh, and dancing to music, with my kids, while singing loudly. A very favorite hobby of mine.
4. My kids' hobbies/activities. Soccer, basketball, dance, Girl Scouts, piano, band... Running from place to place can be exhausting, but I'm proud of my childrens' accomplishments and I love watching them grow while doing something they enjoy. I gladly encourage them to do these things, so long as we remember to leave ourselves some breathing time.
5. Friends. At least once a week, sometimes more often, I have lunch with a friend or two. I receive texts and messages that make me laugh out loud. I'm reminded daily of how much I am loved and appreciated. Friends make the world go 'round, and I am eternally grateful for mine.

Even on our worst days, if we're breathing, we have something to be thankful for. The more we focus on the abundance in our life, the more abundance we will find. 

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