Random Moments

Random moments of AHA...

-Singing bedtime songs to my youngest, and having him sing along - in tune!
-While putting my youngest to bed, I said to him, "I love you past space." And in his two-year-old little language, he said, "Ah lah lou pas space, Mama."
-Today is my baby's second birthday. How amazing. He is awesome. He spent a majority of the day singing "Happy Birthday" to himself.
-Watching my 3 kids play with a couple of friends from day care, and hanging out with the moms and dads!
-Getting compliments on what a great big brother my oldest is, and what a great big sister my daughter is.
-Listening to my oldest read to his little sister.
-Chatting with friends, and venting when I need to.
-When my daughter holds my hand out and plants a big kiss in the middle of my palm, then tells me to hold on to it.
-Hearing my kids say, "I love you!"

May you be blessed with plenty of these tiny Moments of AHA that make life worthwhile.

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