Rediscovering My Talent

I wrote my first poem in 9th grade - Mr. Wilson's social studies class, to be exact. I sort of became addicted and wrote a whole bunch of poems in high school and into college. I even made a couple of my own poetry books. I don't think my poems would ever have won me any sort of literary award, but some of them were really good. (I still have those books somewhere, I'll have to try to find them.) I wrote about a number of different things, but mostly about my feelings. Poems were an outlet for me to express amazement, love, heartbreak, sorrow, joy, appreciation. And I loved writing them.

As I continued to get busier and life became more involved, I got out of the habit of writing so often. I wrote a poem for my husband, framed it and gave it to him before we got married (and I must say, I think it's one of my better ones). That was in 1999. And that could very well be the last poem I wrote. I'm trying to recall any more recent ones, and I'm drawing a blank.

I think that I've mentioned previously that this blog has become a creative outlet for me, a way to express my emotions and dig deep into my own soul. I'm glad that I've rediscovered the art of writing, even if it's not in poem form. I think I'm a pretty good writer. (And, of course, whenever I say that, I feel like I should be saying it in a deep, slurred voice, "Durrrrrr, I writes good. I talks good, too.") It's definitely helped me deal with things and learn some things (ok, a lot of things) about myself. And from comments that I've heard, others have been able to enjoy my writings as well.

I was seeking advice from a friend earlier today, via email, and when she wrote back to answer my questions, part of her response was: "Your blog is wonderful and my suggestion is you read it! Ha! Take your advice and observations to heart." Then, in another email, she wrote, "...we do, truly, have all the wisdom and guidance we need in every moment when we quiet ourselves and look within." Those words struck me, and I find them to be very true.

AHA can be found all around in lots of different places. And sometimes, we don't need to look far at all to find acceptance, happiness or appreciation. We each have talents, things we're really good at. I think that a lot of times, we're so busy with the everyday "busy-ness" of life, we don't take enough time to stop and really appreciate our own talents. I do need to go back and read the things that I've written more often. I should also take a few moments and write another poem, just for the heck of it. Acknowledging our own talents, strengths, and positive qualities can be an extremely uplifting form of AHA. Excuse me, I think I'll go read my blog, now.

1 comment:

  1. Its refrshn 2 cee u do nt us txtng langag lik sum peeple doo,Maks ur writn muche ezr 2 red
