Top 100 Gratitude List (in no particular order)
- Friends in general, specifically...
- Redd,
- Jasmyn,
- Brent,
- Gary,
- Jeffrey,
- Susan,
- Peg,
- Ken, a man I've met only once and whom I know barely anything about. But he's one of the most positive influences I've ever had, one of the nicest people I've ever met, and quite honestly, he was the inspiration for this blog.
- My kids, hands down 3 of the most important people to me - ever.
- My parents, for reasons listed previously in this blog. Basically, they're always willing to help me out.
- My family. I love them, they love me. They're all crazy. What else can I say?
- Video cams to capture the never-ending craziness of my wonderful family.
- Nithya Shanti, for sharing with the world his mission of happiness and his simple philosophies of life which help him do so.
- Wine, to be drunk with good friends
- Beer, to be drunk with good friends
- Food, good for pretty much anything, anytime, anywhere. Mmmm..... food.
- The Food Network and their "food porn" shows, shown anywhere between the hours of 8pm and midnight, which is perhaps the absolute worst time to watch food shows and the delicious delectables they try to teach you how to cook. Mmmmm.... Food Network.
- My job- although I may complain sometimes, it's a job, it's a good-paying job, it's in my field of study, it's flexible when I need it to be, it's a laid-back environment, and the people I work with are awesome. That alone makes going to work worthwhile.
- People I just recently met who consider me truly their friend. What a great feeling to be supported by, encouraged, and connected to someone you just met.
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