Authentically Living Someone Else's Dream

I absolutely love when AHA comes from friends, even if I don't know them very well, or they are anonymous! A friend had posted on Facebook "Be joyful for all the things you have and remember that the life you are living is someone else's dream." Those are some powerful words.

I will be the first to admit that jealousy and envy are two of my biggest downfalls. I have spent a lot of wasted time wishing I had what someone else had, or being envious of others. I am consciously working very hard to destroy those kinds of thoughts. I have proven to myself over the past 5 months that I have plenty of things in my life to be happy about. If I can take a step outside of myself for a brief moment, and look at my life through the eyes of someone other than me, I should be able to see that my life could very easily be someone else's dream.

I have a house. I have a job- that I like. I have a car. I have clothes. I can buy groceries. I can pay for electricity. I have 3 wonderful, beautiful kids. I have countless friends. My calendar is filled with various social events. I am enrolled in a leadership class. My kids are enrolled in sports programs. I have a pretty big and close-knit family. I know how to play piano and sax, and I can read music. I make really cool scrapbooks. I know how to cook, and am pretty good at it. I have my own business. I am intelligent. I am attractive. I am genuine.

I don't say any of these things to brag or boost my own ego. Everyone has a list of things to be thankful for. This is, in part, mine. No matter what crazy things happen in our lives, it's somewhat refreshing to think that someone else would most likely trade their problems for ours. Everyone *always* has something to be thankful for.

I commented on the previously mentioned post on Facebook and the same friend wrote, "Love yourself, love your life and may you continue to always inspire those around you with your authentic living." Wow. I really like that. "Authentic living." I've been told that I am profoundly humorous and now I'm being told that I live authentically. Those are really big compliments. I am happy and thankful that I have the ability to live authentically. Some people spend their whole life being, or trying to be, someone they're not. I like this version of me. And I like that it's continually becoming easier to "just be myself" rather than worrying about whether people are going to like me or not. If they do, cool! If they don't, oh well. Their loss.

I am extremely thankful for my life and the path that brought me here. There have definitely been some huge bumps in the road, but I have never encountered anything I couldn't handle, and there has almost always been a good outcome to whatever negative situation I may face. I plan to continue building this "dream life" I have, to continue living in my authentic way, and hopefully to continue inspiring others. I sincerely appreciate all the comments that are left, and all the followers that I have! Thank you all for being an important part of my life!


  1. Kate,
    You have several things which I would love to have or have been waiting for many years to have (children)!! Not to be "jealous" or "envious" of you, I would say that you are definitely blessed.

    There is another blog I read. She is a mommy and a musician, and a triathelete- very inspiring!! I thought you might enjoy it too! I really liked her Wonderful You Wednesdays, this week and every week (go back into archives)
    Love, one of your "followers"
