AHA of a 9-Year-Old

Today, I'm having my 9-year-old son help "guest write" for me. Here's our interview.

Me: What things do you accept, even if you don't like them?
Son: When I don't do my homework, and I have to stay in for free time at school. When I'm sick and I have to take medicine that tastes yucky.
Me: What things make you happy?
Son: My family, because they are fun and friendly and lovable. Playing outside on a warm day. Sleeping at my Gramma and Grampa's. Video games. Looking at the stars at night.
Me: What things are you appreciative of?
Son: What does that mean?
Me: That means things that you're thankful for.
Son: Everything that I said I liked, pretty much.
Me: Anything else you want to add?
Son: No, not that I can think of.
Me: Ok. Thanks for doing an interview with me.

Sometimes to get the AHA moment, we have to take a step back and look at things in a simpler way. We each have days that are boring, or things that happen to us that put us in a bad mood, and sometimes it's hard to find those bright AHA moments. But if we can just remember that we all have friends and family and simple things (like video games or playing outside) that make us happy, we can lift ourselves out of the doldrums and give ourselves reasons to be happy again.


  1. I was teaching last week, so did not spend as much time as usual on the computer. Now I'm catching up and reading all your AHA notes. I'm really proud of you, Honey, for taking the time and effort (and I know it involves lots of both) to make changes in your life. Keep up the good work! Love, Mom

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